The Mares are having a photo show in October! Come Join the Fun!

Entry opens: September 15, 2020
Loading starts: October 1st, 2020
Stewarding begins: October 16th, 2020
Judging begins: October 21, 2020
Results: October 31, 2020, class winners announced on a Mares in Black Halloween LIVE STREAM Party!
Halter Judge: Anne Field
Performance Judges:
Consistency - Jackie Rossi
Specialist - Erin Corbett
Fun Judge: Cynthia Wyatt-Briley
Youth Judge: Stephanie Blaylock
Medallion Judge: Sandra Gibson
Handmade miniature rosettes by Dani Youdris for first and second and digital ribbon placings through 6th by Breanna Ashkar!
Division champs win an MIB swag pack, to include an MIB T-shirts, stickers, buttons etc! There are also handmade ribbon halters by Dani Youdris.
Lots of extra fun prizes and MIB swag as to spread the wealth!
All showers are entered in several raffles to win donated items by your favorite artists!
Donors include: Mel Miller Equine Art, Dreamflight Design, Field of Dolls, Break the Mold Studios, The Studio of Jenn Constantine, Realistic Equine Art by Nikki Button, Timber Trails Tack, Savvy Appy Studios, Horse Models Galore, Mustang Girl Artworks, Celtic Knot Creations, Studio Maire, Healing Heart Art by Jennifer Danza, Handcrafted by Kari, NaMoPaiMo, The Jennifer Show, KLANG Illustration, Horse Mama, Breanna Ashkar and Julie Matz!
Entry Form:
Entry Fees: (PayPal to
MIB Patreon Members Flat Fee: $5.00
Listener Flat Fee: $12.00
Listener Modular Entry: $5.00 per division (medallion is a freebie with any other division fee)
Youth Only: $2.00
This show will be held on Facebook - MIB Spooktacular Photo Show Group. Once you pay you will get access!
Each class has title theme to inspire the entries for it. Do your best to interpret what that name means to you! There are no wrong answers if you are sincere
Judges will be looking for interpretation of the theme, imagination and quality of execution. Realistic backgrounds are not required.
In performance there are two tracks. One is Consistency for one horse to attempt ALL the classes (or as many as they want, completion is not a requirement), and consistency entries must note that they are campaigning for that track. The Specialist judge will only consider a different model per chosen class. The entrant can enter multiple horses in multiple classes but a specific horse can only show ONCE/ONE CLASS in the division.
Aside from winners being announced and shown on the live stream, the winner of each class will have their photo featured on the blog.
No class limits. Showers may enter as many pictures as they'd like, but individual models can only have one picture per class.
Photos will be self-loaded and will include horse name, breed, gender, owner initials and division (& performance track if necessary) in the title. Any documentation can be added in the comments.The Mares in Black Spooktacular Photo Show
Albums will go up for loading on October 1st!
Donations for fun prizes are welcome! email us at You will get a mention on the web page, social media and a shout out on the show!
I’m so FANCY!
Working class
Oh yeah, EARS.
Old but still LIT
Your horse is weird, dude
Performance (2 tracks: Consistency & Specialist)
Home on the Range
Fly High
What could POSSIBLY go wrong?
All Dressed Up
Just Dance
Action Park
Stock Market
Sliding Scale
Drama Llama
Look Ma, Photoshop!
House pets
Wildin’ Out
Barn Love
Conga Bo Bonga
Mares in Black
Youth classes (12 and under)
Saddle Club
Show Day
Best Behavior
Make a Mess
…aaanddd “What a Relief!” (the medallion class(es)) - we will split this out based on entries!