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Paying it Forward MH Hobby Style!

Hey MIBers,

We wanted to share this INCREDIBLE opportunity that Road to Breyerfest is hosting and celebrate the intense amount of generosity involved here from multiple people. Last year at BF, Jones family had ALL of their Breyefest swag was stolen from their car. In an effort spearheaded by Jodi and Mackenzie Purdy, a METRIC TON of hobbyists happily jumped in to donate and help salvage Breyerfest for the family. However, NONE of it would have been possible without the Jodi and Mackenzies Herculean efforts. Now, the just as amazing Jen Jones has decided to pay forward the Purdy’s kindness to one lucky RTB member! Check out the story below! This is beautiful!


Road to Breyerfest owner Rachel Alford writes:

“I know that RTB is not a school and you are not my students, however I was not sure exactly what to name this amazing opportunity for one very special member. This was presented to me by Jen Jones and her family so I do not have much to do with this other than know that my group helped them when they needed help last year and know that I can now help them again. The following is her post to me and then there will be another section that is important to read.”

Dear Breyer Lovers,

Last year, my family attended Breyerfest and my youngest son won the kid’s costume contest. Sadly, later that night, our rental SUV was smashed in the hotel parking lot and the Glossy Brass hat, along with all the special run models and the free models, my older son’s birthday Louisville slugger Bat, and other Breyers (for all four kids!) we bought were all stolen.

Amazingly, the wonderful Breyer community came together and within a 24 hours (!!!) almost every model was replaced, including Jojo’s costume contest prize - the Glossy Brass Hat! Our family was so blessed and humbled by all the generosity, that it turned a terrible event into one with very warm memories and good lessons for our children in generosity and helping others!

In honor of all those who helped replace my kid’s stolen models, and especially Mackenzie and Jodi Purdy who gave Jojo the new Brass Hat, we would love to offer a BreyerFest “scholarship” to a family who may not be able to afford to go otherwise. We would like to give towards to the hotel and travel. We only ask that you are 100% willing an able to attend this year and will use the money towards tickets and travel, and would not be able to afford to go otherwise. Rachel will be picking the recipient since she does such a wonderful job maintaining this page. Thanks again to all those wonderful families who blessed us and helped make our kids very happy last year after a very sad incident!

Jen Jones

IMPORTANT: To enter, you must go to the Road to Breyerfest Facebook page and comment on the scholarship post: “I want to go to Breyerfest!”

The entering phase will last until Friday, June 7th, at 11:59PM EST and the winner will be drawn by a random number generator on Saturday, June 8th, during a live video stream. If you are the winner, you MUST message me first claiming your prize and then we will be able to discuss the in depth details involved. If the winner does NOT message me in 24 hours, a new winner will be drawn. Please note that you must comment in order to receive a number in to be entered into the fund. Any and all questions need to be messaged to Rachel Alford/Road to Breyerfest and they will answer in a timely manner. Thank you!

THANK YOU, Rachel, Road to Breyerfest and Jen Jones for this great "scholarship" contest! Good luck to all the entrants!

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